Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp Has Everything You Need To Start a Successful Business Online
Name: Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp
Website: wealthyaffiliate.com
Price: FREE to get started
Owners: Kyle & Carson
When you join the Affiliate Boot Camp at Wealthy Affiliate you first need to start a website that will promote Wealthy Affiliate. You are given daily tasks that tell you step by step what you will need to complete each day. This training is designed for you to take your time with each lesson, and check them off as you complete each.
There are currently 7 phases. Each phase has 10 lessons, and below each lesson there is a discussion area where you can ask any questions you may have if you didn’t understand something.
Who Is Affiliate Boot Camp For?
If you love the niche for making money online, and are passionate about helping people while you do it, you can absolutely benefit from this program. This is the best way I have found to build up a niche with recurring residual income. If you have the drive, passion, and motivation to succeed, you will have tons of success, and a lot of fun doing this program.
When I first started this boot camp I had no idea I would be able to grow my business as much as I have. I didn’t know how to build websites, but I caught on very quickly because of how easy the training is to follow and understand.
This is for anyone who wants to help others and make lots of money in the process! You will absolutely LOVE this unique free training program.
It is called “Boot Camp” because this isn’t easy, and you will have to work hard to be successful. But trust me, I promise it will pay off. Besides getting paid huge commissions, there are a few other incentives for you to work hard towards your goals. I will explain in detail below.
How Does Affiliate Boot Camp Get Me Started?
This boot camp is designed for you to read, watch videos, and implement what you’ve learned and been told to do to guarantee success. You don’t just read some training and go back to doing nothing!
As a FREE member you will have access to the first phase in this ongoing training series. This way you can test it out and see if you like it before you invest any money into the rest of the training courses.
There are 7 phases currently available, and there will be more phases added in the future.
Below is everything you’ll get when you join as a starter member!
This phase is a 10 day course, and taking your time to go through each lesson is the best way to do it. At the end of each lesson you will have a few tasks you need to complete before moving on to the next lesson. These tasks push you and help you to start testing the waters of the online world, because it is designed for you to succeed! ACT on the lessons and you will see the money rolling in.
The tasks will be at the end of each lesson and look like this..
To get the other 6 phases (plus all the future updates) you will need a premium membership. The premium membership offers more lessons, and access to more things in Wealthy Affiliate; such as the Jaaxy Keyword Tool , which I love!
A premium membership is required if you would like to progress past the first phase, and in addition to that you get a higher percentage of commission per sale by being a premium member.
What Kind Of Tools Do I Get When I Join?
- You are given 2 Free websites to get you started, and I would highly suggest that you buy your own domain if you want maximum results with this program.
- You’ll be provideda FREE membership with Jaaxy Keyword Tool
- You also get access to a 24/7 Live Chat where you can ask any questions, and get as much help as you need!
This Is Where Things Start To Get Really Exciting!
Here are the 2 levels to the compensation plan (what you will get paid). The FREE level, and the paid level. Check out the chart below:
Affiliate Boot Camp Help and Support?
Once you join WA you will get a personal welcome message within your first hour from either Kyle or Carson (the co-founders). They will be your mentor and guide, if you have any questions at all please let them know. You can also
reach out to me
if you need help as well!
Starter members will get their first 7 days of FREE premium help and support as well as access to our 24/7 live chat. This is where you can get your questions answered live by other experts in the internet marketing field. Kyle, pictured left, will be your affiliate manager. If you have any questions about payments, credits, leads or anything else he will take care of it for you. You can usually find him in live chat a few times a day helping people out and answering their questions.
Again if you have any other questions I will be here to answer them for you, and help you get started as well.
Your Rewards and Incentives For Hard Work?
If you work really hard it will pay off. If you really work hard and devote enough time for this, you will be rewarded.
If you can manage to get the 100 sales from August until the end of the year (or 300 total in a year), you will get a 3 day, 3 night all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas. You will get to hang out with owners Kyle and Carson, and others who reached the sale goal. So start preparing for an exciting world!
What’s Included?
- Flight expenses paid
- A 5 star hotel suite for you and a guest. Most of the time it’s the MGM
- A WA swag package (Full of goodies)
- 3 day Super Affiliate conference
- Meet and hang out with other highly successful affiliate marketers
- 2 hour private meeting with Kyle and Carson- OWNERS
- One of the Amazing Vegas Shows
- A night on the town, whatever drinks you want, and a little gambling time while you are in sin city.
- And many more…
For exciting details on this event, check it out here
The Pros and Cons of Affiliate Boot Camp?
- Starter members Earn 25% commission
- Premium members earn 50% commission
- It can build a very solid residual income
- Hefty commissions of up to $200 per sale
- The ability to enjoy 3 solid income streams by promoting one affiliate program
- Massive hands on training program that shows you how to build an authority site
- The ability to win a FREE trip to Vegas
- Unlimited money making potential
- Lifetime cookies(You get credit for the sale if it’s tomorrow or next year)
- It’s run by An awesome affiliate pioneer
- The upper level training requires an active premium membership
- People who don’t want to work too hard to make money
The Target Audience of This Boot Camp is Enormous
Can you think of the number of people who would like to make more money, and do it in the comfort of their own homes? Everyone that I know could use some extra money. The potential is unlimited when it comes to the make money online subject.
The only bad thing about this niche is that it’s flooded with get rich quick schemes This is what has given internet marketing a bad name, and people naturally think everything out there is a scam. But we are here to prove them wrong!
Main Groups of People You Could Target
- Those who lost their business
- College students
- People who are working minimum jobs and want a change in their lives
- Unemployed people
- Those who hate their job
- Retirees that want to make extra money
- Those with disabilities that can’t work
- Local businesses without a website
- Stay at home moms and dads
- Those who’re constantly looking for ways to build a solid residual income
- Entrepreneur’s looking for an extra income stream
- Even hungry greedy millionaires that still want to add some more dollars to their fat accounts.
- It’s endless.
This are just a few examples, but there are countless people who have many different reasons to make more money.
Finding the right targeted audience and learning how to market to them is going to be your key to success, and this boot camp is what is going to help you do it.
This Boot Camp has literally changed my life. I have learned things that I never thought I could learn, or do for that matter. Not only has it helped me out financially, it has also helped me with my people skills, and I learn something new every day. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a way to make money online.You definitely need to check out the Boot Camp, and take advantage of everything that’s available there.
If you ever have any questions about this or need a hand getting everything setup please let me know and I will help you out. Leave your comments, questions, or any feedback on this below.
Are You Ready To Be The Next Super Affiliate And Hangout in Las Vegas Next Year?!?
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If you have any questions on my Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp review, please leave a comment below and I will be glad to help! 🙂
Your Friend,
I apeacpirte you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.
I’m glad I could help!