Hey guys! I wanted to go over exactly what paid advertising is and how you can use it to grow your business. It is essential for any business to advertise what they are selling in or to get conversions and commissions, and it is actually a lot easier than you think.
First of all, “marketing” and “advertising” are essentially the same thing, but advertising is just one component of marketing. So paid advertising is just that, paying for ads that people can click on so they can be directed to your products and business. Once they like what they see and want to purchase something, you get the sale.
There are different types of online paid advertising (or digital marketing), so lets get into it.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
The most common type of paid advertising that people in the online marketing world use is PPC. These are also known as Search Ads. You can use this type of advertising by using Google Ads or Bing Ads to create an ad to go at the top of the search engine when people search for your keywords .
What is PPC?

You pay for each time someone clicks on your ad, and you can control how much each click will cost and how much you want to spend.
If you are new to internet marketing there are a few important things to be aware of.
- Quality Clicks – You need to make sure your ad is relevant to the audience, otherwise your clicks will be wasted on people who have no interest in what you are selling and it will be a huge waste of money.
- Good Keywords – You need to make sure you use good keywords that have a lot of traffic and not too much competition. Meaning a lot of people are searching for the information you are providing and there aren’t too many posts about it online.
- Good Titles with Good Grammar – People are more likely to click on your link if it is grammatically correct and has a catchy title that makes them want to know more.
Learn How To Use PPC Step-By-Step Here!
Social Media Advertising
Social Media is being used more and more for advertising, as I’m sure you have noticed with all the ads popping up while you are just browsing through Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. So how do you take advantage of the affect that social media advertising can have?
What is Social Media Advertising?

My question to you is, have you ever bought anything from an ad you saw on one of those platforms? I know I have! And if we have, then so have many other people. Social Media is a GREAT place to advertise your business!
You can pay for social media advertising by creating an ad on whichever platform you are on, and it will show your ad to the targeted audience you select. You pay for the amount of time your ad is up for one flat rate.
If you want to use it for free, all you have to do is take a link that you want to promote (whether it be a link to your website, and affiliate link, a link to a sales page, etc.) and post that link to your social media profile. Just make sure you create a business page for your business on your Facebook so you don’t have to post it to your personal profile page.
If you have a website you can add it to all of your profiles. If you don’t, I would suggest that you create one because it very important for any successful business.
Create A Website Here!
Display Ads
Display ads (or Digital Display Advertising) are something that every website has and profits from. And believe it or not, you see them every day.
What Are Display Ads?
Display ads are pictures, logos, quotes, or products displayed on the top, side, middle, or end of a page of a website with content on it. Display ads reach more than 90% of people who surf the internet.

These types of ads are very common and they are less expensive than other forms of paid advertising. They also give you the opportunity to use captivating images and text to draw you audience in. They can be customized and personalized to fit your brand and business.
However, since they are so widely used and are on every website, people tend to overlook them or ignore them. This can mean that you will not get many clicks on them since most people view them as spam. If your targeted audience has ad-blocking technology they might not even see your ad. Which is why I think they are cheaper to use.
There are a few ways to use display ads.
- You can create your own ad and pay for them to show up on websites you do not own.
- You can use one you have created to put on your own website.
- You can get them for free from your affiliates (I use Amazon) and put them on your own website.
Which Type of Paid Advertising is Best For You?
You need to showcase what you have to offer in the places your prospects are going to be. Determining the kind of paid advertising that will work best for you, depends on your target audience and your specific intentions.
Honestly, all of these types of paid advertising will help grown your business. If you are not wanting to spend a lot of money at first, I would suggest you start with display ads and free social media posts. You can also just spend a little bit of money on a PPC ad to see how well it does. Then you can work your way up from there.
You can also learn step-by-step how to create all kinds of paid advertising here!
Final Thought
What makes paid advertising effective is making sure it relates to your audience with the buyers’ needs in mind. Do not make it all about you! Find out what they need and give them something to solve their problems. That is what will give you clicks and commissions.
If you are trying to create an online business and either don’t know where to start, or need help to get it profiting, you need to check out my #1 recommended program! It’s FREE to join!
If you would like me to help you personally, send me a message here!
If you have any questions or have had experience with paid advertising, please leave a comment below!
Your Friend,