Young Living Essential Oils Review
Name: Young Living Essential Oils
Price: $45 – $260 to join (and pay monthly)
Owner: Gary Young
Young Living Essential Oils are doing really well right now. More stay-at-home-moms are becoming very successful entrepreneurs. However, can this really be done by anyone?
Young Living brings essential oils to different level. doTerra is the only other MLM company that can compete with it.
So do I like Young Living? Well I’m not really a fan of promoting products that involve home parties, 3-way-calls, and spamming my friends on Facebook. But If you would like to try making money through MLM companies, I would suggest you at least just try the products first.
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What is Young Living Essential Oils? – The Company
The Young Living company celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, which signifies an exceptionally strong presence in the industry. Like some of the world’s best MLM companies (Herbalife, Advocare, Mary Kay, Kyani , Vemma , etc.), Young Living started out with one small organic farm and distillery.
However, they somehow fly under the radar in online marketing and network marketing circles. After cultivating farmland in Utah and Idaho, the founder, Gary Young, tapped into the business on the importance of natural living, which started in the 1990s.
The company gained an excellent reputation by focusing on natural essential oils, and developing the industry-changing Young Living Therapeutic Grade standard. The brand has the purest product available on the market today.
Now Young Living has offices throughout the globe with millions of customers, and a potential for even more exposure in the years to come.
D. Gary Young is not only one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to essential oils, he is also a well-known advocate for maintaining an industry standard for purity. His travels to essential oil operations in other countries have revealed a wide spectrum of quality. This has been his motivation for insisting on only the purest forms of essential oils, and NEVER using any synthetics.
As a result of D Gary Young’s passion, Young Living’s products use only the highest quality essential oils, which are natural and undiluted, uncut and 100% pure.
What is Young Living Essential Oils?
Unlike 20 years ago, the value of essential oils and their affects on wellness is now unmistakable. There’s more scientific research to back it up, and the world in general is more open to alternative pathways to wellness based on natural products, and ancient ways of healing and maintaining health.
Young Living’s essential oils can be blended with an infinite array of ingredients to create products for just about every aspect of life. Here are just a few:
Home Products
- Natural Cleaning Products
- Healthy Cooking Products
- Pet Products
- Family Health Products
- Tools: diffusers etc
- Multivitamins
- Weight Management Supplements
- Joint & Mobility Supplements
- Supplements for Energy & Stamina
- Supplements for Antioxidant Support
- Age-Based Nutrition
Essential oils can be used to achieve spiritual health, mental health, emotional wellness, and a good night’s sleep. They are also used to reduce stress.
Beauty Products
As you can see from this HUGE list, which only only touches the surface of the products Young Living creates, this company’s line of products are very far fetched.
What that means for distributors is there’s a Young Living product for every person on the planet . This can be good or bad. Good because it can help many types of people and they can buy the products on a regular basis to make you money, but bad because it is VERY hard to promote so many products and know every little thing about them.
Pros and Cons of Young Living Essential Oils
- Longevity: Been in business for 20 years
- HUGE line of products
- Product backed by scientific research
- Team of PhDs on Young Living’s Scientific Advisory Board
- Lots of events to attend for training, inspiration
- Essential Rewards- earn points for purchases
- Complicated compensation plan.
- Member support is focused on attending paid workshops, seminars, retreats, and the people “above” you.
- Not good online media support
Young Living Essential Oils Support
As a promoter of Young Living you will have to convince people that essential oils and other Young Living’s products will benefit them in some way. The opportunity is huge if you are good at sales and talking to people. If you are not good at this then you will NOT be successful with any MLM company , not just this one.
The only support you are provided with is the support from the person who got you into the business, or from the seminars you can go to. The hardest part is promoting and selling the products, and if you can do that more power to you. But it is not as easy as it sounds, BELIEVE ME! There is no help or support from the website, which is not a good thing!
Young Living Essential Oils Tools and Training
The only training you will have is videos to watch and seminars to go to. You can also get help from people who have been with the company for a while and are willing to help. If you can’t find anyone to help then you are all on your own, which always ends badly! You need help from other successful people in order to become a success yourself.
You can find all the help you need from successful entrepreneurs on my #1 ranked business !
How Much Does Young Living Essential Oils Cost?
This compensation plan is not easily understood. It is similar to other MLM companies, however it’s hard to comprehend at first. They use so much smoke and mirrors when it comes to understanding the compensation structure.
Distributors can make money by selling products or by enrolling new distributors (sign-up bonus, ongoing bonuses, and commissions on their sales). Of course the real money comes when members start enrolling new distributors.
To become a distributor and enroll other distributors, you have to first purchase the Premium Member Starter Kit (there are many options), and you have to continue to purchase it every month. They say this is so you can be familiar with the products and hand them out. But if you are not successful with this right away you will be wasting your money. There are also many upsells to become a “greater” member of the team.
The Premium Membership Kits:
- Basic Starter Kit – $45
Home Kit –
- Thieves Kit – $160
- Military Address Kit – $160
- Bamboo Diffuser Kit – $170
- NigXia Kit – $170
- Aria Diffuser Kit – $260
Believe it or not, but there are even more packages that you can choose from. There is even an option for automatic payments so that they will charge you every month.
Young Living Essential Oils Compensation Plan
- Earn Commissions on your downlines. You get 8% of sales of your first level of distributors, then 5% of their enrolled distributors, and 4% on the next three levels as well. (You have to create a downline first).
- Fast Start Bonus. You get 25% commission the first 3 months on each of your new enrollees’ purchases. (Then the commission drops).
- Member Starter Kit Bonus. You get $25 for each new distributor you sign up, and purchases the Premium Member Starter Kit.
- Generation Leadership Bonus. Achieve leadership ranks and get shares of 6% monthly commissionable sales made by the company. (Only by signing up more and more people).
- Rising Star Team Bonus. This is a bonus for your team’s achieving specific requirements. (If you have a good team, mostly people you don’t know).
- Generation Commission. If you get to “Silver” rank, you get an additional 2% on certain sales stemming from your group. When any of the team members gain Silver status, you get a bonus of 3%
- Diamond Profit Sharing Pool. Become Diamond level and earn shares of 0.5% in Young Living’s commission sales.
Final Thought
I would say that Young Living Essential Oils is still moving slightly upwards since they have been around for 20 years.
I have done a few MLM company reviews, and they all seem to be headed in the same direction. You can work REALLY hard to build and promote your business, but it is not as easy as everyone says it is. TRUST ME! If MLM is your thing, Young Living isn’t a terrible way to go if you’re crazy about essential oils!
See my Kyani Review , Vemma Review , and Rodan and Fields Review for more information and my take on MLM companies. I have tried them before, but Wealthy Affiliate is the only thing that has worked for me.
If you have any questions or have had experience with Young Living Essential Oils, please leave a comment below!
Your Friend,
Hi Karissa:
Thank you for your detailed review of Young Living Essential Oils. I personally am with you in that I am not a fan of MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) schemes. I have had bad experiences with them. I believe it is highly unethical to try and push your friends and family members into joining and that is what MLM companies require of you.
One of the MLM companies who mention was Herbalife and they have been under investigation for operating a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes have been outlawed in the United States and many MLM companies function as such.
I am just like you in that Wealthy Affiliate has been the only program that has successfully worked for me and I do not have to do silly little home parties or three way calls and heavy selling of the products and business.
Thank you again and I wish you every ounce of success. Make 2016 your best year yet.
Thank you very much! Happy Holidays!!
Hello Karissa, thank you for your in-depth reviews on all the potential scams out there. ie MOBE and Empower.
It is very helpful for you to do the research for me. I too have been involved with MLM programs in the past and was not very successful with them either. I found that the people I signed up just didn’t take it any further so there was nobody to make my money for me. Oh well,
Thanks again for posting.
No problem! Thanks for sharing 🙂