Hey guys! Today I am going to try to help you understand what email marketing is, the benefits of it, and why you should use it if you are trying to grow your online business. Or any business for that matter. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, email marketing will help it grow expinentially!
Many affiliate marketers tend to not take advantage of email marketing, but this is a HUGE mistake! It takes a little effort to create and maintain, and it is worth the results!
What Is Email Marketing About?
Email marketing is basically just emails sent to an email list of subscribers that might be interested in what you are trying to sell. You just fill the emails with affiliate links or links to your website, and if they are interested they will click and buy.
The emails are sent to promote what you are selling. The hard part is creating the emails, and making it sound like something they would want to buy or invest in.
If you are not good at writing or are not very creative there ARE people that can help you! My #1 recommended program , which I still use today, has all kinds of successful entrepreneurs that are more than willing to help you (including me). All you have to do is ask!
Why Use Email Marketing? – The Benefits
Simple, EVERYONE has an email address. In 2019 there were an estimated 4 billion active email users worldwide, and it’s just going to keep growing! People are more likely to open an email than accept a phone call or read an unknown text.

Email marketing gives you results! I know because it has personally helped my business.
If you add it to an affiliate marketing program you will receive many more leads and sales. It will also increase your traffic, and we all know the more traffic you have to your website the more your business grows.
The Benefits of Email Marketing
- Cost-Effective – A properly managed online business can be pretty cost effective, but compared to other things needed for your business, the cost of email marketing is pretty low.
- Audience Exposure – Reaching a larger audience is the key to success. Email marketing can help grow your audience more quickly
- Compliance – Email marketing platforms ensure highly compliant campaigns so that you are not breaking any laws and regulations.
Does Email Marketing Work?
In short, YES!
I have used email marketing for years, and before I started using it I was getting no where. You have to get your business and products out there for people to see, or else they don’t know you exist! The best way to do that these days is through email.
If you are still skeptical, I challenge you to ask ANY internet marketer if they use email marketing. I guarantee you they will say yes, and the only reason to use it is because it works.
You just have to know how to use it correctly
The Best Place to Learn is Here!
How To Use Email Marketing
First, you need subscribers or a list of emails of people that are interested in your products. I accrue subscribers on my websites through a a pop-up box and sign-up box at the bottom of the page. This is the best way I have found to get subscribers that are actually interested in what you are selling.
If you do not have a website then you need to get one. It is the BEST way to start making money online. You can have everything you want to sell in one place, it is free to do, and it is a lot easier than you think.
Build A Website Here for Free!
After you have subscribers, you need to join an email marketing platform to manage your emails. I use Aweber (more for affiliate marketing) and MailChimp (more for business marketing). This can cost money, but there are also free options (see cost below).
After you have joined a platform, all you have to do is create your emails. If you just want to promote a temporary sale or just send one email to update something, you can create one email and send it to all your subscribers.
However, if you want an email or set of emails to be sent automatically to a subscriber as soon as they sign up, then you need to create an automation email thread.
What is Email Marketing Automation?

Email marketing automation is the BEST thing ever invented. Once you create the emails that you want to send over a few days or weeks, then you will not have to do anything else!
After someone subscribes to my list by putting in their email information, they receive a “Welcome” email to thank and welcome them to my email thread. I only created it once and it is sent to everyone that signs up.
They are also sent followup emails every day or two for about 2-3 weeks with information that they requested and expected when they signed up.
Of course the hard part is creating your emails. It really isn’t hard though, just time consuming. If you are passionate about what you are selling then it will be pretty easy to write about it and promote it. However, don’t be scared to ask for help if you need it. You can find the BEST place for help here!
How Much Does Email Marketing Cost?
There are some email marketing platforms that are free to use until you reach a certain number of subscribers or send a certain number of emails within a certain time frame. Others just charge a monthly fee to use their platform.
You can use MailChimp for free until you reach 2,000 subscribers or send over 12,000 emails in a month. After that it costs…
- $20/month: 1,001 – 1,500 more subscribers
- $25/month: 1,501 – 2,000 more subscribers
- $30/month: 2,001 – 2,500 more subscribers
- $35/month: 2,501 – 2,600 more subscribers
Aweber gives you a 30 day free trial, then it costs…
- $19/month: 0 – 500 subscribers
- $29/month: 501 – 2,500 subscribers
- $49/month: 2,501 – 5,000 subscribers
- $69/month: 5,001 – 10,000 subscribers
- $149/month: 10,001 – 25,000 subscribers
Every email marketing platform has different but similar pricing, which one to use is just up to you!
Final Thought
If you haven’t already started using email marketing to grow your business, now is the time to consider it!
Email marketing is cost effective, it is easy to use, and it works! If you have been struggling to make money online, this is what is going to help you finally become successful!
If you are looking for a way to learn how to make money online and start an online business from scratch, then you need to check out the link below. You can get started for free and have all the help you need to make the process VERY easy!
If you have any questions or have had experience with email marketing, please leave a comment below! 🙂
Your Friend,
Hello there, thanks for sharing this awesome article. I know it will be of great help to the public as it has been of big help to me. I have been trying to crack this email marketing nut but I have had a little trouble. Thanks to you I now have a solid understanding of what it really is and how it works.
I’m glad I could help!
– Karissa
Hi! Email marketing is definitely a great idea for any business and even long-time businesses that have been open decades have made the jump into online marketing, email lists, and apps. I get emails from Purina all the time because I signed up for their email list. I’ve even gone over to their website to purchase a new product that just came out because of that email list. So I agree, it’s a must-have for anyone seriously considering getting started in online business or to ramp up their existing business. Thanks for the article!
Thanks for the comment Selenity. It’s good to hear a story about how email marketing works!
– Karissa